Creative Expressive Therapy Blog
Let's Create Together
That's a simple equation that i tattoed on my body 10 years ago. I downloaded it from the cosmos and I truly felt that one person plus another person equals infinite possibilities. In your own mind you can reach a conclussion, your thoughts will eventually loop around to the same thought if there is no other influence, but as soon as you add another being the whole universe shifts. Now you have a whole new set of ideas, references, perspective.
Ready for the life of your dreams?
What is Creative Therapy?
Learn more about how this joyful practice can radically transform your life!
One on one sessions to unlock the inner artist.
Are you ready to unlock your creative potential? YES !!!
Free Resources
We can all start transforing with some easy creative exercises. FInd them here.
Upcomming Workshops
I am offering group workshops and masterminds to help you expand beyond your limits. Ready to create freely?
Alejita Chukalicious
One on One Creative Expression Therapy