Collection: Magical Gifts

This Lunar Cycle is a very special one to me! It is the last one I will experience as a 27 year old, not that age is really of concern here but it is something that sparks reflection in me and a time of completing projects.

In my reflection I realized that there has been something that has been poking at me for years, and that is the idea of creating a colouring book. Why a colouring book? You may ask yourself...(really I may ask MYSELF)- well for a few different reason:

  • I am always making mandalas and they would be so FUN to colour in.
  • It is a great way to share the creative process and inspires others to create. 
  • My sister is a teacher and I want her students to have cool things to colour (ie. my art😸 )
  • As I further my studies in Art Therapy I am presented with all the clinical studies done on the therapeutic effects of mindful colouring and the benefits thats colouring mandalas has on the mind and the nervous system 
  • It is very accessible to make and share 

With all these reasons in mind, one day the stars aligned, inspiration hit and I started the process. First I made 28 mandalas to share with my sister and her students and from there the process of creating 33 days of BLISS flowed with ease. I am offering this digital product as a free gift, it is my offering to my worldwide community. I give it with love and light and great joy to be able to share it and make it accessible for everyone ✨

Magical Gifts